Seepage analysis and the making of tender & construction level


Assignment name: Seepage analysis and the making of tender & construction level drawings for the cut-off/Seepage drain at the right bank of Joshiyara Barrage reservoir area of MB-II project (Uttarkashi) to prevent leakage of water. “under DRIP-II, World Bank Funded. Agreement No.  16/EE(C&M)/MB-II/2020-21

Country: India

Location within country: Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand

Name of Client: Uttarakhand Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd (UJVNL), Executive Engineer, Joshiyara

Start date (month/year): 04-01-2021

Completion date (month/year): 10-01-2021

Description of actual services provided by our staff:

  • Seepage analysis if 17-m high earthen embankment at the right side of Maneri Bhali -II (Joshiyara Barrage) project.
  • Identification of seepage path and quantity through CFD analysis by relevant software.
  • Remedial measures/suggestions for the construction of the cut-off drain.
  • Tender and construction level drawings based on seepage analysis & design.
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